

New Chair and Deputy Chair of ARNECC

Ministers’ Statement – Ministerial Forum 11 June 2024

Lextech achieves Category One compliance

National Enforcement Framework

ARNECC Statement – Scope for interoperability releases settled

Minister’s Statement: National eConveyancing Towards a sustainable, competitive national eConveyancing market

ARNECC Interoperability Progress Update: Successful Day 1 Transactions (12 September 2023)

ARNECC Interoperability Progress Update: Timetable for Release to Market (7 July 2023)

Ministerial Statement : Ministers and their representatives from all jurisdictions met on 28 February 23 to review progress with the national interoperability reform, to support a sustainable competitive market structure for electronic conveyancing.

Ministerial Statement on process of Government and industry partnership to develop interoperability for Australia’s electronic conveyancing system (9 December 2022)

Ministerial statement : Ministers and their representatives from all jurisdictions met on 2 June 22 to discuss progress with the national interoperability reform, to support a sustainable competitive market structure for electronic conveyancing)

Ministerial statement on amending the Electronic Conveyancing National Law to deliver a secure national interoperability regime and effective competition (28 January 2022)

Ministerial direction on implementation dates to deliver a secure national interoperability regime and effective competition (29 October 2021)

Joint Ministerial and ACCC statement on progress with a competitive market structure in the electronic conveyancing market (1 July 2021)

Progress update with a competitive electronic conveyancing marketplace (25 May 2021)

Joint Government and Industry statement to develop a national interoperability specification (12 March 2021)

ARNECC Position Statement (19 March 2020) Client Authorisation and Verification of Identity as a result of COVID-19