
ARNECC develops and publishes interactive smartforms to assist industry participants in complying with their obligations under the Participation Rules. ARNECC also develops and publishes smartforms that deliver nationally consistent outcomes across all States and Territories.

The Intergovernmental Agreement between the States and Territories commits the Registrars to pursing nationally consistent requirements, rules, practices and procedures wherever possible. Smartforms provide a means of implementing nationally consistent practices that assist industry participants in complying with their obligations under the Participation Rules as well as land registry requirements generally.

ARNECC develops its smartforms using Adobe LiveCycle technology. The smartforms can be opened, filled, stored and printed using Adobe Acrobat Reader. They are not however suited to viewing or use on phones or tablets. They may also not be viewable with some browser PDF Reader plug-ins. Ideally, they should be downloaded to a local desktop or notebook computer and opened for use using the latest version of the free Adobe Acrobat Reader.

Consultation with industry stakeholder groups and participants plays a key role in ensuring the smartforms are readily understood and easy to use as well as matched to each State and Territory’s requirements and practices.

When consultation is open on a new or revised version of a smartform, written submissions can be made to [email protected] by the due date.